As a brand that is committed to the coexistence of humans and dogs, we also want to give something back to dogs who are not doing so well. Due to our founder's passion for hunting dogs and as a Freising company, we have decided to support Hands4Paws - Helping Hands for Hunting Dogs in Need eV and Tierhilfe Fünfseenland eV to the best of our ability.
Hands4Paws is dedicated to finding homes for abandoned hunting dogs. Vizslas, Weimaraners, Dachshunds and many other dogs are cared for by Hands4Paws and placed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
"Hunting dogs and their crossbreeds are often not given to suitable owners, kept or occupied in a species-appropriate manner. Some of these dogs cause problems in coexistence because they are not given enough exercise according to their disposition. The reasons given for giving them up are often too little hunting instinct, their age, injuries, handicaps or illnesses. This is where our work comes in. We are looking for responsible people for these hunting dogs in need - mostly from Hungary - who can and want to ensure that they are given enough exercise and care that is typical for the breed. We address hunters and non-hunters."
Tierhilfe Fünfseenland eV is an animal welfare association in the Munich area that looks after cats and dogs in the Munich area. In addition to finding and caring for dogs and cats, the association also offers advice on animal welfare issues.
"Our motto is: Happiness for animals and humans. Our non-profit organization Tierhilfe Fünfseenland eV wants to improve the lives of animals through education, information and assistance, as well as to promote meaningful and active animal protection work.
We have been doing this for a long time. Our work has been awarded the HeelVet Prize and nominated for the Animal Commitment Award by Fressnapf. We care for animals in and around Munich to Landsberg am Lech and finance ourselves exclusively through membership fees and donations. With Tierhilfe Fünfseenland eV we want to help ensure that animals and people in and around Munich are happy and grow old together. To this end we offer active support through advice, education, assistance and prevention, for example through lectures in schools. It's great that you are here, browse through our pages and find out more and hopefully support us 🙂 ."
If you would like to help both animal welfare organizations, you can do so in two ways:
- By ordering our charity products, you support the work of both organizations. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to animal welfare.
- Of course, you can also support us directly with a donation. To do so, visit the association's website and support us with a donation within your means.
We would be delighted if you also decided to support animal welfare and an organization of your choice. Thank you very much.